1. Hosting Elixir Docs on GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions

    If you're creating a project in Elixir and have been looking for a good way to host your documentation for the world to see, GitHub Pages offers a great solution that's free and fairly simple to set up. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to integrate it into…

  2. [Dev Infrastructure] From Project to Product: Revision Control, Heroku 12-Factor, and Production Deployment

    I’ve done DevOps work on several projects at Slickage, but the biggest one I’ve worked on is Epochtalk “Next generation forum software” (https://github.com/epochtalk, https://github.com/epochtalk/epochtalk, epochtalk.org). It’s been through a lot of changes in architecture and backing technologies. When I…

    on devops, developer infrastructure

  3. [Dev Infrastructure] Testing, QA, and Triage

    Testing Automation is at the core of good testing. If tests aren’t automatic, they are not going to get run. The way I’ve set up all of the projects I’ve had a hand in at our company is to add testing to the Continuous Integration pipeline. Whether…

  4. [DevOps] Automatic Renewal of SSL Certificates with Certbot, Nginx, and Docker compose

    Let's Encrypt's Certbot Auto is a great way to obtain free SSL certification, but renewal can be quite a pain, especially if you're trying to maintain several servers, and are renewing manually. Since certificates expire so often, your mailbox may become inundated with emails about expirations coming up soon! Of…

  5. [Dev Infrastructure] Simple continuous deployment with Drone.io and Docker Compose

    This past week, I had some time to help my coworkers with a bit of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment for their project. I'm not directly working on the same project, but I do have a handful of automated ops experience, and was interested in using it to boost the…